Aldo Leopold Elementary Green Schoolyard Project
1000 Friends worked with the community at Aldo Leopold Elementary School to develop a safe and welcoming green schoolyard.
View the StoryMap and watch the video to learn more about the project:
Getting Kids Outside
Increasing children’s exposure to the outdoors is important for their mental and physical health and academic performance. Research compiled by the Children and Nature Network shows that children have better academic outcomes, more creative options for active play, increased occurrence of beneficial/cooperative play, and greater mental health from exposure to green schoolyards.
About Leopold Elementary School
Leopold Elementary School is one of four designated Community School’s in the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD). Leopold is the largest elementary school and has the most diverse student population in MMSD. To find out more information about Leopold, head to their website or go to their Facebook page.
What is a green schoolyard?
Green schoolyards bring learning and play to life. They split the schoolyard into different worlds that kids can explore through outdoor learning and healthy and creative play. These hands-on, multi-sensory landscapes benefit users and the surrounding environment. Learn more at: