Stevens Point Transportation Academy: October walk/roll audit

An essential component of the Community Transportation Academy curriculum is conducting a walk/roll audit as a class. Using the AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit as a guide, we choose a stretch of road and intersections to examine closely for pedestrian and bike safety challenges before dividing into groups and conducting the audit.

For this audit, the class chose to do an audit of Division Street that runs between 4th Avenue and Maria Drive. Division St., also known as Business 51, is a former state highway now under ownership of the City of Stevens Point. It is a prime example of a road designed for fast-moving vehicles that also sees a fair amount of pedestrians because it runs through the middle of the city. Division/B51 has stirred local controversy in recent years, with groups in sharp disagreement over whether to prioritize traffic flow or pedestrian infrastructure.

Read more about the audit at our Active Wisconsin website.

a group from the class embarks for the audit pushing a wheelchair and wearing reflective vests
A group from the class embarks for the audit pushing a wheelchair and wearing reflective vests