Last week, our transportation policy director, Gregg May, was asked to speak in Milwaukee about the future of downtown highways. At live show of NEWaukee’s Urban Spaceship podcast, we shared our preliminary efforts around reimagining 794 in Milwaukee.
I-794 is an underutilized highway spur in Milwaukee that separates Downtown Milwaukee from the Historic Third Ward. It also acts as a major barrier to Lake Michigan and the Summerfest grounds while creating excessive noise, air pollution, and stormwater runoff for the area. 1000 Friends is leading an effort to rethink how this space operates. We are building a website, Rethink794.com, which will include renderings based on community input.
Additionally, we are starting to build a coalition to reimagine a different future for I-794. Across the country, groups are organizing to rethink downtown highways. Residents want to promote a future where highways are removed and replaced with projects that reconnect the street grid, strengthen neighborhoods, and create a heathier city. The removal of the Park East Freeway shows what can happen when Milwaukee pushes for a different, better future.
Visit our website, Rethink794.com, and take our survey. Join our movement to rethink 794!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TearDown794