7 reasons why removing I-794 would be a boon for downtown Milwaukee

-By Taylor Korslin,  a Milwaukee architect and volunteer with Rethink 794, a group advocating for the removal of the elevated highway. Posted on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

It’s time to think boldly about what Milwaukee should look like decades to come. The removal of 794 will be a resounding success for downtown.

 Here are 7 reasons why 794 should come down:

  1. 794 wouldn’t be built today. People want to stay downtown.
  2. The current interstate is overbuilt and underutilized
  3. The ugly elevated highway needlessly divides downtown
  4. Removing interstate makes traffic simpler and safer
  5. Plenty of options exist for vehicles to get around city
  6. Removing 794 will help save and generate tax dollars
  7. This is generational opportunity to enhance Milwaukee

Read the full article.

Urbanists and environmentalists hope to see development in place of I-794.
Urbanists and environmentalists hope to see development in place of I-794.