Just this week, the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) moved forward on a budget item that would approve funding for I-94’s expansion in Milwaukee. This is an unfortunate decision that would lead to a 3.5 mile, $1.1B expansion of the highway that is a fiscal, social, and environmental mistake. It is the continuation of a decades […]
Read more about "Update on I-94 and Transit – Continuing the irresponsible status quo."Proposed state transportation budget will unnecessarily expand I-94 and leave transit riders in the dust
Transportation advocates call for more action before the budget heads to Gov. Evers’ desk The Joint Finance Committee voted Tuesday night to move forward on transportation components of Wisconsin’s 2021-23 biennial budget. These elements include investments in Wisconsin’s local road and bridge repair, but the committee rejected Gov. Tony Evers’ proposals to increase public transit funding and […]
Read more about "Proposed state transportation budget will unnecessarily expand I-94 and leave transit riders in the dust"Webinar: Taking a Closer Look at How Hwy. I-94’s Expansion Will Impact Milwaukee
On March 4th, 1000 Friends joined a WISPIRG webinar taking a closer look at how highway I-94’s expansion will impact Milwaukee. In conjunction with coalition partners, the webinar explored the social, environmental, and fiscal consequences of the expansion project and discussed a potential transit solution that improves safety and operation on I-94 without expansion. Watch […]
Read more about "Webinar: Taking a Closer Look at How Hwy. I-94’s Expansion Will Impact Milwaukee"Blueprint 2050
Blueprint 2050: A 21st Century Transportation System for Wisconsin The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that in order to prevent irreversible and catastrophic climate change, we must keep global warming to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius. Across Wisconsin climate damages are mounting as we begin dealing with more heatwaves, floods, and […]
Read more about "Blueprint 2050"Letter to Lt. Gov. Barnes – Support Ambitious Transportation Recommendations
Letter to the Task Force on Climate Change. 1000 Friends has been closely monitoring the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change to make sure that ambitious and equitable recommendations on land use and transportation are included in the final report. Back in March, we were asked to give a presentation before the task force on […]
Read more about "Letter to Lt. Gov. Barnes – Support Ambitious Transportation Recommendations"Transportation Connection (Pt. 4) – Local Ordinances
Part 4 of the transportation connection will explore street width preferences, which have an outsized impact on our land use patterns.
Read more about "Transportation Connection (Pt. 4) – Local Ordinances"